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And now, introducing the next White House spokesperson....

Written By mista sense on Friday, April 21, 2006 | 3:39 PM

Over at Talking Points Memo, Josh Marshall's having some trouble ginning up his usual slash-and-burn venom for all things Fox News, asking lamely re the possible Tony Snow-to-the-WH move: "Why not just have Hannity do it?"

I'm sorry (well, actually I'm not) that Marshall can't quite get his heavy-breathing hate up to the desired level. But here's my question: who would suit the haters in the role of WH press secretary? Someone who's never had a job in his or her life before ascending to the podium in the briefing room?

Ha ha. Silly question. Of course the Josh Marshalls of the world don't want that. They just want NBC's David Gregory in the position. Now that would suit them fine. Can you imagine?

HELEN THOMAS: David, can you tell us why the President is such an %#$%@#%?

DAVID GREGORY: Thanks for that excellent question, Helen. I just spoke to him in the Oval and I can confirm that he is, indeed, a world-class %#$%@#%. To tell you exactly why would take more time than we have here today. Next question?

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