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FNC reporter Eric Shawn's unlikely friends

Written By mista sense on Saturday, April 15, 2006 | 7:40 AM

The right-of-center media watchdog organization Accuracy in Media doesn't like Fox News, because Fox News is fair and balanced. AIM would prefer FNC to be right-of-center and unbalanced. But you can't please everyone, and considering that Fox News consistently whips its cable news competitors like a rented mule, FNC can be counted on for unbiased coverage in perpetuity.

That's why the last Media Monitor column from AIM's complainer-in-chief Cliff Kincaid is so notable. In it, he praises the outstanding Fox News reporter Eric Shawn for his outstanding coverage of some Keystone Kops-like goings-on at the United Nations:

Another form of courage was recently demonstrated by Eric Shawn, the Fox News reporter covering the U.N., who blew the whistle on the U.N. Correspondents Association (UNCA) considering giving a global citizen award to the man they cover-U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan. In the end, Bill Gates won, and another candidate was Bill Clinton. But Shawn made the point that the simple idea of UNCA giving Annan consideration for such an award was a blatant conflict of interest.....

Shawn also featured some video clips of Annan attacking U.N. reporters who had dared to ask some tough questions...

....Thanks to Eric Shawn of Fox News for exposing this scandal. Wait until the rest of the U.N. press corps reads his forthcoming book.

When credit is given where credit is due--AIM praising FNC--TCG has got to give credit where credit is due, too. Thanks, Cliff Kincaid, for being fair to a terrific journalist.

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