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MSNBC's Olbermann: Sorry, I don't speak facts

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, April 18, 2006 | 6:53 AM

MSNBC's Keith Olbermann doesn't speak the language of responsible journalism, but he does speak slime. Take his latest creative omission in naming (surprise, surprise) Fox News Channel contributor Michelle Malkin the "Worst Person in the World" on last night's "Countdown." NewsBusters points out the inconvenient facts rebutting Olbermann's assertion that Malkin is indirectly responsible for death threats against anti-military UC Santa Cruz students:

On Monday’s “Countdown,” host Keith Olbermann demonstrated, as he regularly does, why he should have stuck to being a sportscaster on ESPN (hat tip to Michelle Malkin with video link to follow). In his “Worst Person in the World” segment, Olbermann chose Michelle Malkin for posting the names and phone numbers of UC Santa Cruz students that recently forced military recruiters off the campus. In Olbermann’s words, the students, “as a result, have been inundated with death threats.”

What Keith conveniently failed to inform his viewers was that these phone numbers were actually part of a press release by the organization responsible for the protest, Students Against War. In addition, these names and phone numbers are still available at a number of left-wing websites...I guess Olbermann didn’t think it was important to inform his viewers of this.

Another thing Olbermann omitted from his report were the atrocious e-mail messages and threats that Malkin herself has been receiving all day for posting this previously made public information at her website. I guess it might have diminished Olbermann’s point a bit to share with his viewers some of the reprehensible comments Malkin has found in her inbox all day for merely sharing the exact same information that those responsible for this protest gave to the press. By the way, Keith, as much as it pains me to say it, this includes you.

....Finally, as Malkin pointed out, even some readers at the Daily Kos agree that Michelle didn’t do anything wrong by posting these numbers – which means that Olbermann not only has the dubious honor of being the Worst Person in the World, but is also further out in left field than many DK-ers.

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