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When the biased are angry, FNC's doing something right

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, April 11, 2006 | 6:34 AM

Far-right-winger Cliff Kincaid is on another anti-Fox-News rant in his "Media Monitor" column over at Accuracy in Media, beginning with the "atrocity" of Sean Hannity interviewing Howard Stern (call me old-fashioned, but I think the word "atrocity" should be reserved to describe actual atrocities. They're not hard to find in war and in current events,)

So here's the deal: Kincaid is upset again because Fox News is performing as advertised--Fair & Balanced--and showing all the sides of every story, without bias. Hello, this is what actual news organizations are supposed to do, and this is why Fox News is the number one cable news channel: because it's the only channel that's not slanted one way or another. I've said it before and I'll say it again: when the activist left AND the activist right are both angry at Fox News, it just means that FNC is doing everything right.

But wait, there's more. Kincaid includes, in all seriousness, this priceless reader contribution in his column:

...now I barely watch [Fox News at] all. Now, I find myself watching either HGTV (and driving myself and my husband nuts with home improvement project ideas) or the Food Network (and getting so hungry while watching it that I'm forever eating and getting fat). On those rare occasions when I do watch FNC, I turn it off after only a few minutes, which is about as long as I can take it. Did Murdoch pull a classic case of 'bait and switch' with his FNC? Reel us in with promises of 'fair and balanced,' show us the "good stuff" when we walk in the door, and then talk us into buying the same old junk that everybody else is selling? I certainly think so."

Somebody make this woman a network president. I'm stunned she isn't already.

And another reader has his five minutes courtesy of Kincaid:

"You know what? I don't want a 'fair and balanced' news network. I hear enough "balance" from the so-called mainstream media. I want a news network that reports the truth. Hardly a novel or radical idea, don't you agree? Isn't there someone out there somewhere who will finance a truthful news network? I'd be happy to buy stock in that company."

Advice to this person: If you want "truth," not news, watch the Colbert Report. He's all about the truthiness.

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