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FNC's Shawn talks U.N. on "The Daily Show": "No one is bad enough to boot"

Written By mista sense on Friday, May 12, 2006 | 8:54 AM

Star Fox News reporter Eric Shawn was a guest on The Daily Show Tuesday night and talked about the United Nations and his new book, The U.N. Exposed : How the United Nations Sabotages America's Security and Fails the World. Check out the interview--the video's available here. Like his new book, Eric's talk with Jon Stewart is full of eye-opening, if not jaw-dropping, revelations that he's learned covering the U.N. for FNC. Stewart seemed genuinely blown away by Eric's reporting and book, which was very cool. Here's an excerpt from the interview:

Stewart: How do you reform something where 100 and some competing countries, where Senegal and Tanzania, are trying to get a piece of the pie? And then you got your Security Council, the people with the pie. May I continue with the pie analogy?

Shawn: You absolutely may.

Stewart: And then you have Europe which is a participatory, if you will. I don't even know what I am talking about. My point is this, is it just unwielding. Once they open the doors to everyone who has a jersey, isn't that what made it unwielding?

Shawn: It is called the United Nation because it was founded on these principles, look at the charter --

Stewart: Look at you sneering at the principles!

Shawn: I am not sneering at the principles, I am sneering at what it has become. They have let everyone in. As I say in the book, no one is bad enough to boot.

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