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Written By mista sense on Wednesday, May 31, 2006 | 5:07 PM

Talk is never more cheap than when it's barked loudly by those most unprofessional of professional Fox News-haters, the Newshounds. Take their latest beef: with the outstanding Fox News Channel reporter Greg Palkot, who has done an outstanding job reporting from Indonesia in the aftermath of the earthquake this week. I can only imagine how difficult it must be--physically, emotionally, intellectually--to report lucidly, logically and compassionately while surrounded--subsumed is probably a better work--by the kind of human suffering the earthquake has wrought. But Palkot is doing an amazing job anyway. But does that stop the Newshounds from taking shots that are not just cheap, but deranged and cheap? Of course not:

Help for Help Sake? Not to Fox
Reported by Donna - May 30, 2006

Today on Fox News Live (12 - 1 p.m.) there was a segment on the U.S. providing help to Indonesia because they had suffered so much from a devastating earthquake. Good story, right? It was until reporter Greg Palkot said that by helping Indonesia, with it's [sic]large Muslim population, there may be "political dividends for the U.S. as well."

During the story Palkot talked about us setting up a medical and surgery facility and how this could help U.S. relations with Indonesia.

Comments: I couldn't help but wonder, what happened to helping people because it's the right thing to do, not because we expect something out of it? Isn't this something that every child learns as they grow? Not to Fox, it's what we're going to get out of it that counts.

Now, we know the Newshounds are keyboard jockeys who wouldn't last two seconds trying to report from the scene of a natural disaster, so one would think that they'd refrain from criticizing someone who's actually out in the field doing a job very few people could do, or do well. But it seems that the Newshounds' problem with Greg Palkot is that he's being a real journalist and providing some astute geopolitical context to the disaster instead of just reading statistics about the aid to Indonesia into the camera.

The Newshounds: never letting their schnauzer-sized brains get in the way of their opinions.

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