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Written By mista sense on Monday, May 1, 2006 | 9:51 AM

Too funny--in a discussion of President Bush's great routine with his "twin" (professional impersonator Steve Bridges) at Saturday's White House Correspondents Dinner with Fox News Channel's Bill Hemmer just now, Newsweek senior editor Lally Weymouth just said (and I am not exaggerating) "yes, the President was remarkable...and I was sitting next to George Clooney. So it was quite a night, I thought."

Bravo, Ms. Weymouth! All bow to you, our new leader for your staggering achievement of...sitting next to George Clooney at a Washington dinner party and having the unmitigated cojones to brazenly interject that into an unrelated discussion on national television! Won't you please promise to come back on television and tell us all about what car you drive, how much you make, and how smart your dog is?

Bill Hemmer, however, is a pro and easily turned Weymouth's baldly self-promoting non-sequitur into a postive by artfully segueing into a cute discussion of how Clooney was deluged by women at the dinner.

Still, Weymouth has just re-defined the Main Stream Media acronym MSM into "Me Shut-up it's all about Me."

(Much gratitude and props to FishBowlDC for the awesome photo.)

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