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Written By mista sense on Monday, June 5, 2006 | 1:20 PM

Check out this weird little jab Senator Russ Feingold (D-Wisconsin) took at Fox News this morning in an interview with the Washington Post's "The Fix" blogger Chris Cillizza and reporter Dan Balz:

WASHINGTON POST: What about [your support of] withdrawal of troops from Iraq? You have not gotten a substantial amount of support from your colleagues here.

SENATOR FEINGOLD: I mean even on Fox News now they're not really defending the war. You know you used to have all the generals and all their people, now they are just saying well, you know, if we take off, there will be a civil war.

"Even" Fox News "now"? Is Senator Feingold asserting that Fox News is biased for the current administration? Them's fightin' words, as they say; he's impugning the journalistic integrity of all the news professionals at the channel with that statement. And "all their people"? Who exactly is Senator Feingold referring to? Reporters? Again, that's just a total falsehood. FNC's reporting is just that: reporting, objective, fair and balanced. It's not pro or con the war. And if Senator Feingold is referring to guests on Fox News, he's still wrong, because Fox News has a balanced slate of guests who are both for and against the war. I'm really surprised that Senator Feingold, who is a moderate guy who pretty much everybody likes, is pandering to the Al Franken/bash Fox News crowd.

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