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The NewsHounds go pro: pro-Zarqawi, that is

Written By mista sense on Friday, June 9, 2006 | 6:03 AM

In an "analysis" of yesterday's Fox & Friends interview with Zarqawi beheading victim Nick Berg's father, NewsHounds.us poster Marie Therese implies that Zarqawi was framed. "Allegedly beheaded"?! And while we're on this crazy train, it's also implied that Fox News somehow deliberately caused Michael Berg's bad phone connection during the interview:

Yesterday, Michael Berg, whose son Nick Berg was allegedly beheaded on tape by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, spoke by phone to the FOX and Friends trio, Steve Doocy, E. D. Hill and Brian Kilmeade. Mr. Berg is the Green Party Candidate for the U. S. Congress in Delaware. Earlier, Lt. Col. Bill Cowan spoke for eight minutes. The average FOX News guest spot is four minutes. Mr. Berg, an outspoken critic of the war in Iraq, was cut off by a tight-lipped E. D. Hill after two minutes in which Mr. Berg was not really allowed to finish a thought. He was also cursed with a bad phone connection, a condition that was not in evidence in later telephone interviews with pro-war guests.

Yeah, the NewsHounds kind of bring new meaning to the expression "beneath contempt," don't they? If the NewsHounds aren't the stateside contingent of the martyr-Zarqawi element, I don't know what is.

For the record, here's E.D. Hill's behind-the-scenes report on this very tough interview.

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