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Looks like Snow

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 | 8:03 AM

It's looking more and more like Tony Snow is going to say yes to the WH spokesman job... In Time this morning:

The overture to Snow, a sax player who once taught physics in Kenya, was one of the first decisions by White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten after he was named to the job last month. He took Counselor Dan Bartlett into his confidence, and Bartlett reached out to Snow. White House officials said Bolten has made communications a priority and has calculated that it is in the President’s interest to engage reporters.

The appointment could be expected to buy the White House at least temporary good will with the White House press corps. White House aides have generally been excited by the idea and view it as a breath of fresh air under Bolten, although some wonder whether a fiery, strong personality like Snow would stick to scrupulously scripted talking points on delicate subjects like Iran.

Snow was a guest on "The O’Reilly Factor" on Fox News last week and said: "You got to realize the press secretary not only has to answer questions, but you got to be an advocate for the people asking them when it comes to, you know, getting seats on the plane and doing that. It's a very interesting hybrid job. So you can make enemies for life. What you have to do is you have to figure out to work with them. And you've also got to make sure that you got enough information at hand."

Saying he was concerned about the loss of family time and the "massive cut in pay," he added: "The up side is that for somebody like me who's been a pundit for many years, you sit around and you think about the way the world should be," Snow continued. "You become part of something that's very rare, which is an inner White House circle, where you've got to make decisions. So there is something that has a sort of perverse attraction, which is it's a meaty, substantive job with real responsibilities."

TCG was lucky enough to meet Tony Snow a couple of years ago and, he was nice enough to share his thoughts on the finer points of rock music including Guns n' Roses and AC/DC...looks like the White House is about to get a whole lot hipper.

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