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Written By mista sense on Friday, June 2, 2006 | 10:06 AM

After a particularly vitriolic attack on Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly on MSNBC's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" last night, the great Johnny Dollar fires back at Krazy Keith on Olbermann Watch:

....the obligatory O'Reilly attack...was elevated to the #3 slot, with Krazy Keith stating it is a "simple fact" that "Fox News is neither fair nor balanced". Well, he should know something about being unbalanced. After a lengthy, snide introduction, calling Mr Bill "the Sisyphus of morons", KO loaded his weapon and commenced fire. He insisted that O'Reilly slandered dead American servicemen. Long story short: Mr Bill referenced the Malmedy massacre, talking about how US servicemen had gunned down SS prisoners. Of course, Malmedy involved Germans doing that to Americans. Keith Olbermann was off and running:

No errors corrected, no apologies offered, no stopping the relentless tide of bull even briefly enough to check one fact.

Well the infamous, deplorable Keith Olbermann is one to talk about corrections and apologies, given the number of times we have documented his outright lies about Mr Bill--never corrected or retracted.

It wasn't good enough for KO that O'Reilly admitted afterward that he his words were unclear, because he was talking about the US reaction to Malmedy, when surrendering SS prisoners were in fact gunned down rather than taken prisoner. "Wrong answer!" bellowed Keith, who then went on to claim that Fox News doctored its transcript because instead of "Malmedy" it reads "Normandy". Krazy Keith repeatedly leveled this charge at Fox:

"Why has Fox altered the transcripts?..."

"An embarrassed Fox News yet again tries to rewrite its own history.."

"Fox washed its transcript of O'Reilly's remarks..."

"The rewriting of past reporting worthy of George Orwell..."

Another klassic Keith misfire. The transcript, which as far as we can tell has not been altered since it was first posted, wasn't doctored, or even created, by Fox News. As the web pageclearly notes:

'Transcription Copyright 2006 Voxant, Inc. (www.voxant.com ), which takes sole responsibility for the accuracy of the transcription."

So despite Krazy Keith's ravings, it turns out that the transcript was prepared and created by an outside company--one that performs the same service for CNBC and MSNBC! So will KO retract his smear of Fox News? It seems safe to say that there will be no errors corrected, no apologies offered, no stopping the relentless tide of bull even briefly enough to read all the way to the bottom of a web page. Bill O'Reilly was man enough to clarify and correct his words. Will Keith do the same? Do pigs fly?

You should have seen the false indignation and phony moralistic outrage Krazy worked up to conclude this segment! It had all the sincerity of a snake-oil pitchman at a carnival sideshow. And this coming from someone who minutes earlier implied that Haditha was not an isolated incident, but something endemic to the ethics of all US troops in Iraq. What a hypocrite!

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