Robert Philpott of The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports on Fox's 10th anniversary, taking note of a recent event in which Roger Ailes played a reel featuring old predictions about Fox's fate. That's Ailes: If you cross him, he will not forget it. And here's Philpott, recapitulating the Fox video:
"'First impression of Fox News Channel: Pass the Dramamine,' read a line from The Denver Post. 'For my money, the Baywatch starlet has more credibility (i.e. none) than a professional henchman/carnival barker like Ailes,' said The St. Paul Pioneer Press. 'Fox News is competing against well-entrenched broadcasters like ABC, CBS and NBC, as well as cable market leader CNN, and MSNBC, both of which boast wider distribution, stronger programming and better-known news personalities,' Fortune magazine said - in 1998.
"After more words of doom and gloom from competitors, the reel ended with stats attesting to FNC's success and one irresistible parting shot: 'Can't wait to see what people will say about us in the next 10 years.'"
It's a great story from Philpott, including a lot of reporting from Fox's recent 10th anniversary "Thank You America" swing through Dallas.