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Apology needed: NewsHounds call FNC "racist"

Written By mista sense on Friday, April 7, 2006 | 3:20 PM

Another day, another false, actionable, libelous statement by the leading FNC-Haters-Club, NewsHounds.us:

The Fox morning news yesterday 4/6/06 was mostly non-stop coverage of Cynthia McKinney. I counted at least 4 segments per hour between 9 and 11. But in between, William LaJeunesse managed to express concern that “thousands of students will get nothing more than a slap on the wrist” for cutting classes to join in the immigration protest march in Los Angeles.

In response to LaJeunesse’s question about whether the students would be punished, a school administrator calmly replied that as long as the students made up the schoolwork they missed, there was really no problem. He then asked the administrator if this walk- out will lead to more school drop-outs to which the gentleman replied that he would have no way of knowing. (Comment: dropping out of high school is a result of many factors and is not a result of a one day walk-out) At the conclusion of the interview, LaJeunesse mused about this walk- out, which had “the tacit consent of the teachers,” being part of an overall truancy problem in Los Angeles. And in true Fox style he concluded by stating that “some people say that the walk- out was tolerated because the students were Hispanic.”

....LaJeunesse’s desire to see the students “punished” was just another example of Fox’s bias against progressive education and Hispanics. Once again, Fox plays to a very (if not racist) prejudiced audience.


Now, I know that this Priscilla person has the I.Q. of a lima bean. But just because you have legumes for brains doesn't excuse false accusations of racism. There was zero in that segment to give credence to the patently absurd assertion that La Jeunesse, who is as serious and ethical a journalist as they come, had a "desire to see the students punished." And to imply anything else is fightin' words, not just to La Jeunesse and to all his colleagues at the channel, but to anyone who watches Fox News--the supposedly "racist audience."

Oh, and by the way, about all those supposedly excessive Cynthia McKinney segments? If you're a member of Congress, ANY member of Congress, and you assault a police officer, you deserve all the negative media attention you get--and you should get a lot.

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