Daryn Kagan and Suzanne Malveaux tell viewers that one side of the Rove story is enough:
KAGAN: Democrats are stepping up the pressure today for President Bush to fire top political adviser, Karl Rove. Three House members called last hour for the Bush administration to turn over documents related to the leak that exposed a CIA operative. Rove has been identified as the alleged source of that leak. Rove, through an attorney, denies he leaked the operatives' name or did anything illegal. That is not good enough for Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean.
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)HOWARD DEAN, DNC CHAIRMAN: Now we're going to find out, Mr. President, if you'll keep your word. Who do you value more, Mr. President? Do you value intelligence operatives defending the United States of America? Or do you value political operatives from Texas? We're going to find out. (APPLAUSE) Who do you value more, Mr. President, the security of the American people or your political cronies? Will you keep your word, Mr. President? We'll find out if the president of the United States will keep his word. (END VIDEO CLIP)
KAGAN: Meanwhile, President Bush is urging Americans not to prejudge Rove, but he hasn't come forward with the ringing endorsement that you might expect for his closest political adviser. To the White House now and our correspondent Suzanne Malveaux. Suzanne, good morning.
SUZANNE MALVEAUX, CNN CORRESPONDENT (PARAPHRASED): Yep, Rove sure is in the hot seat. Daryn.
KAGAN: Suzanne Malveaux, live from the White House. Suzanne, thank you. Let's take a look at other stories making news around the world this morning. Tropical storm no more, now it's Hurricane Emily, and it tore through Granada early this morning, winds topping 90 miles an hour.
Well, that settles that. Dean/CNN in '08!
Cable Gamer isn't all that handy with numbers, but that Dean soundbite was on the longish side. And it seemed all the longer because it was unrefuted by anybody who might like Rove for any reason--obviously no reason that CNN considers to be worthy of coverage. And yet this segment was aired at least twice on Thursday.
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