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Gore's "Current": MTV News without the chicks

Written By mista sense on Thursday, July 21, 2005 | 6:20 AM

Al Gore, hipper (if not more presidential) than thou, is promoting his new cable news channel aimed at the 18-to-34 year-old audience, and Chicago Sun-Times TV critic Doug Elfman is really turned on by what he's seeing:

"There's a snippet titled 'HOOKING UP. In it, a young woman says, 'I kind of regret now sleeping with Doug, especially now that he wants to end it. But I feel like since he's the one that wants to end this, it shouldn't stop me from hooking up with his friend now'......Current isn't all hotties.....staffers and amateurs are putting together long segments on war victims who walk around on one leg, and suicidal people in Japan. When was the last time you turned on Fox News and saw a mini-documentary about Iranian kids who listen to loud music and get wasted at underground house parties?"

MTV News is already doing stuff like this. Gore may not have invented the internet, but he's sure re-inventing the wheel.

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