Sigh. David Brock's bash-Fox-News outfit, Media Matters for America, just can't stay on their "we're just an innocent little media watchdog organization" message. MM gets so maniacally consumed with its real agenda--squishing any form of free speech that doesn't jive with its hard-left politics--that it keeps exposing that agenda by accident. Take their latest droning, eyes-glaze-over, preachy hatefest against FNC's Bill O'Reilly and his recent trip to Guantánamo Bay, titled "Returning from Guantánamo Bay, O'Reilly continued to downplay torture allegations." Media Matters is all teary-eyed and pouty--not so much over O'Reilly's trip, but over the fact that terrorists are being detained and interrogated at Guantánamo Bay. But because Media Matters needs to stick to its story about being a "media watchdog" organization, it attacks O'Reilly for visiting Guantánamo and being an active journalist. There's nothing that frustrated wanna-be totalitarians like the folks at Media Matters hate more than inconvenient facts...so they put a long, draggy, political rant against the U.S.'s anti-terror operations in the guise of a bash-Bill fest:
Returning from a visit to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, in time for the June 12 editions of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor and his nationally syndicated radio show, host Bill O'Reilly dedicated much of both programs to downplaying alleged abuses at the Pentagon's detention facility there, also known as Gitmo...
O'Reilly didn't downplay anything--watch the video--and MM's "argument" deteriorates further into a political diatribe against the existence of Gitmo itself.
So read Bill's take on his visit to Gitmo... and do something the MM folks would do anything to stop. Decide for yourself.