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The Newshounds, Still Trying To Turn Haditha Into Partisan Politics

Written By mista sense on Friday, June 2, 2006 | 2:22 PM

Talk about a horrible example of what psychologists call "projection" (defined as "when someone is threatened by or afraid of their own impulses so they attribute these impulses to someone else.") The gang that couldn't bark straight--the anti-FNC hatebloggers known as the Newshounds--accuse Fox News and Sean Hannity of trying to exploit the deaths in Haditha for partisan means:

FOX News Still Trying To Turn Haditha Into Partisan Politics
Reported by Ellen - June 02, 2006

Maybe it’s just me but it seems like the FOX News hate machine just isn’t doing the job with Haditha. There was a mish-mosh of tactics to avoid admitting wrongdoing on Hannity & Colmes last night (6/1/06). There were the usual Murtha smears plus some Hanctimonious histrionics about John Kerry and not rushing to judgment (so long as no one involved is a rich, white Duke lacrosse player) along with some selective reporting of facts. But here and there, Sean Hannity and FOX News military analyst Major General Bob Scales let it slip that it’s a serious incident that can’t be swept under the rug by attacking Democrats.

The “good news” (from a media watchdog perspective) is that FOX News gave the story the prominence it deserved – top story for a double segment. And instead of making it ALL about Murtha and Democrats, there was some real discussion about the substance of the events. But first, Hannity had to do his best to make sure the audience hated Democrats enough that they might forget to blame the Commander-in-Chief...

Sean Hannity did no such thing, and Ellen knows it. But--and here we go right back to the basic pathology at work here--she's trying to get rid of her own sliminess by pouring it onto Fox News. She's the person encouraging mindless hate by denigrating Hannity & Colmes' calm examination of the facts at hand. She's using deaths in Iraq as a hammer to pound away at a news organization that doesn't reflect her hateful, biased view of the world. It's contemptible, but for the Newshounds, it's business as usual.

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