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This is CNN...

Written By mista sense on Monday, October 9, 2006 | 4:34 PM

...Now we get yet a better sense of where CNN's worldview comes from. Here's Ted Turner, courtesy of YouTube, explaining why he couldn't be expected to take sides in the Global War on Terror. As he says, "I hadn't made my mind up." Well, what would you expect, other than moral equivalence, from Mr. Jane Fonda?

For good measure, Ted also said that he thought it was "inappropriate" for American networks to be displaying the American flag on their screens. That Old Glory-flying was begun by Fox, in the wake of 9-11, and CNN tagged along, at least for awhile. But no need to worry, CNN has resumed its old ways soon enough, seeking to be "neutral" in the struggle between good and evil.

But let's be fair here. If you watch the tape, it looks as if Ted has had a few. OK, that's an excuse, even if it is being overdone a bit these days.

Now what's CNN excuse?

As an aside, one can only note the power of YouTube, and other video services, to change the debate. The cable game is going to have to find a way to keep up with this. I have no doub that the cable newsers will, because let's face it, people will always care about the news, even if they have a greater desire to be participatory now, in the spirit of YouTubing, vlogging, etc.

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