With apologies to Olivia Newton-John, let's get metaphysical here. When is good news bad news? And when is good news good news? First answer: When CNN says so. Second answer: When the the Democrats are around to get some of the credit, taking it away from Republicans.
Newsbusters' Scott Whitlock lays it all out, detailing how CNN's Dan Lothian reported that falling gas prices are due to "a recovery. Now that's a nonsensical term, since commodity prices typically rise with economic growth, as higher demand kicks in. The ultimate source of all prices, of course, is supply and demand--and supply and demand almost always thwarts any attempt at politicization or manipulation.
But before the election, Whitlock notes, CNN's Jack Cafferty and Ali Velshi, both, were eager to suggest that maybe those evil oil companies were pulling strings to help George W. Bush and the Republicans.
But now that the Democrats control half of Washington, falling gas prices are due to the "recovery"--which has been building momentum for eight days now, since November 7, according to CNN.