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CNN rewrites history -- cont.

Written By mista sense on Sunday, November 26, 2006 | 5:17 PM

A while back--on November 11--to be exact, I pointed out that CNN doesn't hesitate to throw inconvenient data "down the memory hole."

CNN did it with Bill Maher then, and now it has done it again with another comedian, Paul Mooney. Full credit for this item goes to "Stop the ACLU" blog, taking note of CNN's extreme selectivity in its transcription process, and it's willingness to edit the truth in pursuit of a p.c. agenda:

"On the November 21st morning edition of Newsroom, CNN’s Kyra Phillips interviewed Paul Mooney,a popular black comedian and activist, and Roland Martin, a Chicago radio personality, about Michael Richards’ now notorious racist outburst. During the interview Paul Mooney referred to Kramer’s appearance as 'Jewish' and was not challenged.

"CNN publishes transcripts, but removed this version after two hours and edited the remark out of the original interview when they re-ran it. CNN also removed the link to the original transcript on the official CNN Transcript page. The original transcript remained available through the Google cache, however. So all references to this racist remark by a known black activist and comedian who specializes in racial humor were removed."

In other words, a double standard: If CNN likes you, they cover up for you--even distort the truth. But if CNN doesn't like you, well, watch out!

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