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Victory for Fox News! Defeat for Judith Regan!

Written By mista sense on Monday, November 20, 2006 | 8:42 PM

I will admit that I never liked Judith Regan. I know that she's a big deal in the publishing world, but I remember her when she had a show on FNC, and I never liked her then. As I remember the show, she mostly ragged on men, talking about how they were all "muskrats."

Trashing men--all men? That is something that TCG definitely does NOT believe in! So I was happy when the show got cancelled.

And now, of course, she has demonstrated her unsavoriness to the world, with that nutty O.J. Simpson book deal, which was scheduled to be published by HarperCollins, with a spinoff show to be broadcast on the Fox TV--that's Fox broadcast, not to be confused with FNC. As everyone knows by now that whole misbegotten plan has been kiboshed. Hoo-ray.

And I think one of the reasons for the Simpson/Regan deal getting derailed was the uproar from the Fox News channel, most notably Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera, although I saw everyone--except for Ellis Henican--trashing it on "Fox News Watch" over the weekend, too.

But that's just my opinion; I report, you decide. Here's some solid reporting from TV Week's Michele Greppi, recapping the whole sorry saga:

"Not all of the pressure came from the public and Fox affiliates. Fox News Channel star Bill O'Reilly had railed against the special on his popular 'The O'Reilly Factor.' Mr. O'Reilly urged people not to watch it and said he would boycott any advertisers who bought time in the program. Geraldo Rivera, anchor of 'Geraldo at Large' on Fox-owned TV stations, appeared on 'Good Morning America' Monday to explain why he thought the project was a bad idea."

Hard to argue with O'Reilly and Geraldo. I don't think that there was ever much danger that ordinary people would confuse Fox broadcast and Fox News, but the heroism of FNCers helped guarantee that not only would Judith Regan be prevented from polluting the FNC image, but in addition, she would be prevented from polluting the country as a whole.

That's a good couple of days' work for the FNC team.

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