That's a Fox spokeswoman's cutting comment on the battle between CNN and MSNBC to see who can be #2 behind Fox. And while The Baltimore Sun's Nick Madigan might be trying a little too hard to inject drama into his story.
That is, trying too hard to make it sound as if CNN's Anderson Cooper is The Next Big Thing, or that CNN Headline News' Nancy Grace is anything other than a low-rated shrew, it is undeniable that CNN, CNNHN, and MSNBC have all showed changes and progress in the last year or so. Without question, CNNHN's Glenn Beck has scored points by presenting a more conservative angle (and no doubt flummoxing the famously p.c. CNN), while MSNBC's Keith Olbermann has gained Nielsens from the Bush-bashing left (even if Olbermann's principal victim has been the colorless and plastic Paula Zahn). And let's even say that while CNN's Larry King is, well, getting older, Lou Dobbs on the same network has struck a nerve with his Pat Buchanan-ish schtick.
Fox is still decisively #1, reporter Madigan concedes (thereby undercutting the urgency of his story), because of Bill O'Reilly and because Fox still has the best line-up, overall. And O'Reilly, for example, is anything but complacent. His special from Iraq last night was compelling.
Still, I am sure that Roger Ailes has more up his sleeve--and we will see it in the coming year.