James Wolcott is always interesting for his waspy (and I mean that in the sense of the critter with the wicked little stinger, not the ethnicity) wit.
He is great at misanthropy, which is regularly on display in his Vanity Fair column, and on his own blog.
But Wolcott is even better at misogyny. Here he stings Katie Couric for her vapid CBS News show, and her even more vapid blog--as noted here at TCG many times, all these media are converging. One can watch Couric's broadcast show, in its entirety, on the web, just as one can much or most of the cable news shows now. They are all coming together.
But in the meantime, here's Wolcott's conclusion,from the new VF, in which he heaps particular scorn on her jottings:
"Couric officially bottomed out with a post entitled 'Katie's Apple Pie: The Recipe!' in which she revealed, 'Mushy apples are the most disappointing, "un-a-peeling" (HA HA) culinary experience there is,' and described Mutsu apples she picked from the tree as 'GINORMOUS!' Perhaps Couric is trying to relate to younger viewers and readers at their own dippy level—never a good idea. Or perhaps she's trying to prove that despite the dizzy heights she's reached in the news business, the fame and money that have been slung her way, she's still the same unspoiled, unpretentious batch of homemade fudge she was before she clawed her way to the top. Katie Couric is caught in a tug-of-war between her serious journalistic side and the girlie side that wants to be everybody's darling. It's the girlie side that needs to go."