...That's the message of the News Hounds.
It's always amazing that some media outlets, which should realize the importance of media freedom in an absolute sense, are nonetheless eager to snuff out the freedom of other media outlets that they don't happen to agree with.
That's the case with News Hounds, which hates Bill O'Reilly and Fox so much that they want to bring back the FCC's "Fairness Doctrine"--a bygone rule created for a bygone era of media scarcity--so that they can shut down O'Reilly's unique voice. But of course, if the left can shut down O'Reilly and Fox, the right could shut down Al Franken or Arianna Huffington. Repression of free speech is a bad business, period. As Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. put it, free speech is not for the speech we love, but for the speech we hate.
Here's the proof that News Hounds is a lousy excuse for a media operation, since it obviously believes in controlled speech, not free speech: "Congress, please bring back the fairness doctrine so that we can listen to something besides this kind of crap."
In the view of the Left, freedom isn't worth it if the Right gets to be free, too.