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Is the LA Times Right about Rupert? And Other Predictions for '07

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, January 2, 2007 | 11:06 AM

The Los Angeles Times offers a fascinating passel of predictions today. Some are clearly tongue-in-cheek and designed to provoke or amuse, but others seem plausible, including:

* CBS strikes a deal with Google, thus making CBS the star of Google's YouTube.
* Bob Wright retires from NBC Universal--better late than never for the much overrated, and very starstruck, plastics salesman who created MSNBC--but Jeff Zucker’s succession to succeed him is not so assured, now that the GE chiefains are start
* Yahoo merges with someone—AOL, Microsoft, eBay. Yahoo recently did a deal with Fox News, but the pioneering website needs to do more to put the exclamation point back into its corporate life.
* Sony finally gets rid of Howard Stringer—‘bout time! Stringer was another of those who parlayed modest success in the MSM in its glory years into a second career in a real corporation, where, of course, Stringer failed.
* Rupert Murdoch buys The Wall Street Journal, thus fortifying the Fox business channel. This could be pretty cool, if true!

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