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O'Reilly + Colbert Should Make This a Regular Feature

Written By mista sense on Friday, January 19, 2007 | 2:52 AM

It was great last night, to see the two together. Peter Johnson of USA Today, who has aced this story all week, has the best writeup.

If The Cable Gamer could be allowed a point of personal privilege, she would add that the big winner in this is Bill O'Reilly, who proved that he had a sense of humor. Colbert was funny, but of course, he's supposed to be funny--that's his job. It was O'Reilly who proved that he could rise out of his normally serious metier (good French word, that!) and play along with the joke.

Meanwhile, Keith Olbermann simply slagged on O'Reilly yet again last night. Nothing new or clever there.

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