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What Happens When the Media Move, Say, 260 Times Faster Than Now?

Written By mista sense on Saturday, January 6, 2007 | 9:38 AM

What will see you see at the next media revolution? You know, the one that's a couple of years away--no more?

Here's an interesting story out of Japan that reminds us that the next revolution is already rumbling and tumbling, thanks to the leading Japanese telephone company, NTT DoCoMo: "DoCoMo spokesman Nobuo Hori confirmed the company's plans to develop a Super 3G services, possibly by 2010, but declined to comment on details such as cost. DoCoMo will begin testing the technology this year, he said. The new system will have speeds of roughly 100Mbps, making Super 3G about 260 times faster than DoCoMo's FOMA service, which tops out at around 384 Kbps, Hori said."

So what does that mean for The Cable Game? And for the media in general?

Short answer: Nobody knows. Long answer: Some heavy traffic is coming along the Info Superhighway. If we have communications occurring at 260 times faster than what we have now--and this is just one news item plucked from the headlines, there are many such Moore's Law-inspired news items, just about every day--then we are likely to see a blow-up, or blow-out, of the existing media paradigm, one way or another, just as computers blew away typewriters, and the automobile blew away the horse & buggy. Communication won't just be faster, it will be "thicker," as in, interactive video, virtual reality, avatars, who knows what else beyond that.

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