Joe Scarborough is both loyal and useful to his liberal Bush-bashing masters at MSNBC. Here's the latest example, with the leading-the-witness headline of "Demise of GOP just took turn for the worse." Which doesn't even make sense--I mean, what's worse than "demise"? How can things get worse than that?
But of course, Scarborough doesn't care anymore. He is just desperate to keep up with the Bush-bashers who precede him, Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann. Scarborough knows that if he can't keep that audience of Bush-bashers, he'll suffer the same fate as Rita Cosby.
And Scarborough figures that he is valuable to MSNBC because he can pretend to be a Republican--which means that his seeming "dog bites man" criticism is all the more meaningful. But in fact, Scarborough is just a poodle, a lap dog for Olbermann, Matthews, and MSNBC string-puller Dan Abrams.