The Cable Gamer doesn't know who slapped the name "Throaty McHusky" on poor Rita Cosby, but it fits--a very large size. Rita managed to find a good place for herself on Fox News, but she quit, in a nasty way, to jump to MSNBC. And of course, MSNBC mishandled her. She is a natural niche player on TV, as opposed to a primetime five-nights-a-week anchor. And so she failed at MSNBC--what doesn't fail there?--and was soon removed from her gig.
She's reportedly had work done on her vocal chords, to get rid of the "Throaty" part, but there's still the "McHusky" part--TCG is a close student of such things, but can't rally judge how she's doing on the weight front. And now Page Six reports that she is about to be let go.
Too bad.