However, a former Brookhaven nurse who spoke on condition of anonymity told a different tale. "We were always poorly equipped," she complains. "Each of us had only one totally impractical uniform that was expected to be worn every day and last us the duration of our career at Brookhaven. We could not obtain replacements even when they were stained and rotting beyond repair. Also, we were expected to survive with an initial equipment of nothing more than a steel pipe."
A 256-page report filed out of the District Attorney's office on behalf of patient victims was filled with complaints of bloodstained tile, collapsed walls, and excessive growth of surface rust. A highlighted line item in the report described huge holes in the floor that appeared "bottomless," a major concern in the face of usage reports that indicated that most lights in the Brookhaven building were usually turned off or flickering.
Equally alarming were the reports that travel throughout the hospital presented a potential fire hazard. "The majority of the doors had broken locks and thus would not open," said a representative of the DA.