Kotaku's reporting this morning that Sony did not, in fact, slaughter a goat for its God of War II release party, nor did the journalists in attendance eat "offal" from the goat's innards, as previously reported by the UK Daily Mail. The piece was apparently written by a UK journalist who was not actually in attendance, writing his story based on the invite he received-- an invite that, according to SCEE, "employed a degree of hyperbole to encourage attendance."

The goat, grace à a local butcher, was already dead, and the "innards" consumed were actually some kind of goat meat soup; nobody actually ate anything from the goat's body and the dead goat was returned to the butcher afterward (why? Is anyone gonna eat next-day goat that's been sitting there for a while? Ew).
Goat soup or not, if Sony invited me to a goat slaughter party, I'd be so there, baby. I can only aspire; sigh.