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DS For Livin'

Written By mista sense on Thursday, May 24, 2007 | 4:52 AM

How cute is this upcoming Ubisoft game? My Life Coach turns your DS into your little traveling companion on the road to self-improvement. There's not much info about it yet, but I get a little giddy just thinking about it-- after all, there's been a lot of talk about how practical application of games threatens to make them boring. Why Not Listen to Classical Music on DS? Um, because it's a video game system. For playing.

But this warm-fuzzy doodle party seems to be a companion tool for making better decisions and improving habits in life. Self-discipline, increased physical activity, positive self-care-- for video gamers? Actually, I'd hazard a guess that this is the sort of "lifestyle" title that's rolling over the horizon en masse these days, designed for the "gamer Mom" demographic that's supposedly gaining prevalence with the advent of more accessible titles. The Wii Sports effect. However, I'm pretty sure gamers could get hip to a tool like this, too-- wouldn't we rather deal with our bidness with a video game than with a self-help book, soothing audiotape or highly motivated new-age artsy woman who tries to teach us anal breathing, or something?

Sounds like fun! Though, I wonder-- would following a life coaching program that encourages us to eat healthy foods, exercise and make constructive use of our time result in our playing less video games?--Eh, hell no.

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