Written By mista sense on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 | 6:53 AM

We've got new Phantom Hourglass screens from Nintendo Magazine UK today. Finally, a Zelda for the DS-- and another Zelda for the Wind Waker set. Link is on a ship again! I wonder if it talks?

It just speaks to how hysterical (in both senses of the word) our little community can get about our games that some people aren't gonna like this look. I don't really get why purists are so offended by the cute, cel-shaded look for Link and Friends; as a sensory experience, Wind Waker was bright and pleasant, and solid as a game.

My favorite Zelda games are still the handheld ones-- the knockout Oracle duo in particular. I think the traditional-style Zelda game lends itself really well to portable, so I'm psyched about a DS version. Actually, I have the odd distinction of never playing either of the N64 Zelda games; at the time, I was actually unfond of the blocky 3D style; compared to its contemporary alternatives, it just looked like a lot of Playstation-lite to me. Everybody likes something different, I guess.

Speaking of lite, Japan gets two new DS colors on which to play Phantom Hourglass, and here's one:Metallic Rose? I could so get down with that. There's also "Gross Silver," which looks more glossy than gross to me. I think I like this even better than the Ice Blue that Australia gets.

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