The thing that's really eating me is that I haven't really been able to play the kind of games I've been wanting to.
Because I don't have an Xbox.
That's right; a year ago I swore I'd never get one, on some kinda "principle" I can't remember. It wasn't so much brand loyalty as a penchant for defining myself as a specific type of gamer, a resistance to becoming another type. "If I wanted a big, unstable Microsoft computer with a two-year lifespan, I'd just play with my PC," I said. But I'm about to sell out hard, because I can no longer resist, and I'm going to buy one probably sometime next month as soon as money comes in.
Perhaps this isn't news-- far from it, as I'm rather late to the party in this respect-- but it surprises me somewhat. And besides, very little went on this weekend in the wide world of game news, so it's almost all I've got. I'll keep you guys posted-- meanwhile, what're your recommendations for must-plays on a platform I've historically completely ignored?