The Cable Gamer is still mulling over Jon Klein's leadership; specifically, whatever BNN--the Bimbo News Network--might have had to do to get the interview with Paris. Might BNN have pulled its punches on the interview? Promised only softball questions, with no tough follow ups? Why, that's like accusing Larry King of not preparing for his interviews--just letting the interviewee say whatever he or she wishes, with no fear of contradiction!
Here's another take, from Steve Donohue, writing in Multichannel News:
At CNN, the bigger problem is its decreasing focus on hard news. Network anchors are adding too much opinion to stories (some viewers now immediately change channels any time Lou Dobbs begins to whine about immigration or Anderson Cooper gets on his soapbox to talk about New Orleans).
That wasn’t the way it was going to be at CNN, new president Jon Klein said after taking over. “Sizzle is out. Audiences expect substance and we deliver that in a way no one else does … we are feeling very good about the momentum we have gained and the fact that we are showcasing our reporting. Our gimmick is news,” Klein told The New York Times last June.
Let's play that tape again, as it were: "Our gimmick is news." That's a heckuva quote from Klein, wouldn't you say? As an aside, can you imagine the MSM reaction if FNC honcho Roger Ailes had said those exact same words? Why, the usual suspects--Media Matters, FAIR, plus the Columbia Journalism School and all the rest--would've demanded Ailes' resignation. But since Klein said it, and since CNN is firmly in the MSM bosom, nothing will happen.
Meanwhile, I must admit to some further thoughts on the Hilton interview, and the erosion of journalistic standards that MCN's Donohue alluded to. I am watching "Access Hollywood" right now; the show is showing a lot more journalistic chops than CNN. It is pitting quotes of Paris on Larry King last night--in which she firmly denied any drug use, now or ever--and putting them next to videos and pics of Paris, found on YouTube and elsewhere, talking about drugs, and apparently taking drugs. D'oh!
And then "AH," which doesn't seem to think much of King, keeps cutting back to clips from last night's show, showing Paris denying drug use, with no argument or serious questions from King. Kinda makes you wonder what deal--only softball questions with no follow up?--that Klein and CNN might have struck with La Hilton and her lawyers in order to get the interview.
And now I see on the same "Access Hollywood" show that King is scheduled to have Isaiah Washington, the ex-star of "Gray's Anatomy" on his show next week--I wonder if King will ask him any tough questions.
Meanwhile, here's something interesting--FNC beat CNN in prime time (8-11pm) last night, even with Paris:
FNC - 1,858,000 viewers
CNN – 1,851,000 viewers
Oh, and, bringing up the rear:
MSNBC – 539,000 viewers
HEADLINE NEWS - 798,000 viewers
CNBC – 287,000 viewers