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Games to Get Happy About

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, June 12, 2007 | 4:58 AM

As I said Sunday, I've got limited blog-time until tomorrow or Thursday, but I'm stealing a second for a quick update, to share some super fab info of some games I'm looking forward to hearing more about.

First up's Capucine, a new game by a group of French designers, slated for the Wii. The concept sounds cool-- I mean, really cool. Your little heroine is the sole survivor on a dead world, and using a flower called a "capucine," you've gotta revive the dead one by one, by shining a beam of light from your hand onto elements in your surroundings. Casting your light into shadows, though, will cause enemies to be born. Life, death, shadow, light, and some really nifty concept art. What's more, the official site gives you all of the detailed info on the project-- and actual screens-- that you could want. Why don't more devs do this?

Next is a PC game that's already out in the UK, which I'm enthused about taking for a spin. It's Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened, an adventure of the famous detective that pits him against disciples of a sect of Cthulu. Yeah-- you heard me. Cthulu.

I'm a disciple of the sect of PC adventure gaming, and as you might have gleaned from the nostalgic cast of some of my recent updates, I've been jonesing for a good one. Gamespot gave it an 8.3-- OF COURSE GAMESPOT SAYS IT'S GOOD SO THAT MUST MEAN IT IS !!! Regardless, I'd love to check it out-- anyone played it?

Sorry for the slapdash update-- I'll return to your regularly scheduled programming by tomorrow. Look out for the next installment in my Building a Better RPG series, and some info about the Games for Change festival, which is where I'm spending my time yesterday and today.

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