One needn't be a fan of Ann Coulter's in order to see that Chris Matthews treated her shabbily on "Hardball" last night. I mean, there's no rule that says that she has to be booked on his show, or any show. But there is a presumption of fair play once the show gets started--and so Matthews' decision to unleash Elizabeth Edwards on Coulter was a low blow.
But happily, such cheap-shotting doesn't go unnoticed, nor unchronicled. Hats off to Newsbusters, a part of the Media Research Center, for keeping track of all this bias-action:
First, as Matthew Sheffield shows here, Matthews treated Coulter badly on his show.
Second, Sheffield busts Matthews again, for comparing conservatives, later in the same "Hardball" episode to the goony redneck bad guys in the 1972 movie "Deliverance."
Third, Scott Whitlock takes over the Matthews-watching duties, catching ABC News collaborating with Matthews to make Coulter look bad.
Fourth, Geoffrey Dickens records Matthews'"victory lap" in front of a sycophantic MSM.
Fifth and finally, Tim Graham sums up the MSM smear-effort.
One would think that the MSM would be more mindful of its biases, knowing that the likes of NewsBusters are watching, and recording. But instead, the MSM just keeps doing it anyway. The MSM obviously doesn't care if it gets caught.
Evidently, their bias just runs that deep.