That's Mike McDaniel's assessment of Greta Van Susteren, from The Houston Chronicle last week.
But interestingly, the focus of McDaniel's piece was not on Greta the investigative TV star, but rather, Greta the blogger-author of "Gretawire." As McDaniel puts it:
"The show is not completely planned until we sign off at 11 p.m. (10 p.m. Central) because we're cable news 24/7, and things happen," she said. "Ours is like a job on crack. We can't control ourselves. We can't stop."
That comes through in her blog. Examples:
• "In case you want to know how glamorous this job is, on Tuesday we spent the entire day hanging around an L.A. hotel lobby waiting to get a call to do an interview we had expected to do. That never happened."
• "I can't tell you how many people told me in the last 36 hours that he or she had no interest in Paris Hilton. And my thought, if there is universal no interest, why was it on the front page of both the Washington Post and the New York Times on Saturday? And on every electronic news outlet? Could all the news organizations have it wrong?"
And McDaniel further adds:
Incidentally, she writes her own blog. Recently, it was revealed that a (now former) CBS staffer was blogging under Katie Couric's byline.
"That's dumb," said Van Susteren. "If you write your blog, write your blog. I have no problem with guest bloggers — but ghost bloggers? That's not a good idea."
McDaniel is always a must-read for Cable Gamers. And so is Gretawire--and it's free!