An in-the-know TCG reader adds this pungent point to my post on Kiran Chetry:
I think Chetry will make a big name for herself at CNN, and will use American Morning as a staging ground for her move to one of the three big network morning programs. But then again, Kiran wants to do news and not fluff now, so I don't know how all that would work out. I was a bit puzzled by a comment that I just read today in East West Magazine. Kiran is on the cover, and there is one line in the interview that doesn't make sense. Now, we all know of her ruthless backstabbing towards Gretchen, but in the interview, Kiran says of her time at Fox "I wouldn't change anything". Now, how does that jive with the fact that she did want to change everything? I don't really get it.
But I report, you decide! Read for yourself...