Verne Gay, the always-interesting TV columnist for Newsday, takes us behind the scenes in the "double life" of FNC's Brian Kilmeade.
On the one hand, Brian is 1/3 of the "Fox & Friends" gang. At their best, he and Steve Doocy are up there with Martin & Lewis in terms of quick comic timing. Although, of course, "F&F" always does serious news, depending on the news.
But at all times, Brian is a loyal son of his hometown, the distinctly middle American Long Island 'burb of Massapequa. And in particular, he is a good dad to his three kids. So sure, he could move to Manhattan, but he wants to stay in Massapequa, even if that means getting in a car to get to FNC HQ every weekday morning at 2:30 am.
And oh yes, Brian has just written his second sports-related book, It's How You Play the Game: The Powerful Sports Moments That Taught Lasting Values to America's Finest , which is surely destined to be another best-seller.
All of which proves that you can retain your middle American family values and still rise to the top.