In a free society, of course, everyone has the right to watch--or not watch--what they wish. But there's a distinction between one choosing not to watch and seeking to keep others from watching what they want to watch.
And so that's why the organized boycotts being assembled by Fox Attacks.com--a consortium of Moveon.org and The Sierra Club and who knows who else--is worth scrutinizing. Because sometimes there's a fine line between legal political agitation and illegal intimidation.
So The Cable Gamer sure hopes that e pro-First Amendment watchdog group will keep a close eye on FoxAttacks, just to make sure that the lefty pressure group doesn't descend into threats and bullying.
Such threats and bullying, if they were to prove to be an interstate conspiracy, would be a felonious violation, as well as a civil violation. A violation of the famous RICO statute, scourge of organized crime, in fact.