This week's
Podtoid is up at Destructoid, if you care to give a listen; yours truly chats with Nex and Aaron about BioShock, EA's creative Wikipedia edits, and whether our reviews are bought. As to the latter, it's possibly the dumbest thing ever, but I suppose it's the kind of thing you ought to be prepared to address when BioShock ads run on the site alongside a 10/10 (albeit slightly hyperbolic and personal) review. We also take reader questions, as usual, most notably whether there are "game scenesters" as there are "music scenesters" -- and debate which are more annoying. We also return repeatedly and uncannily to the topic of touching little children, for some reason -- and rag on furries. Go Podtoid!
Miu, Chika, Matsuri and Ana for no good reason (except they are cute).
[UPDATE: Incorrect link has been fixed.]