This week's Aberrant Gamer brings you more, more, more on choice in games; it's a little bit of an elaboration on my last post on the topic, with the add-in of some specific Aberrant Gamer examples that might be on the right track. I also saw the issue as yet another area sex games have investigated a bit more than "regular" games, so there is delicious hentai and a little bit of a retrospective on some older columns. I really can't believe I've written sixteen AGs, but here we are.
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With a Rebel Yell
Written By mista sense on Thursday, August 30, 2007 | 7:35 AM
This week's Aberrant Gamer brings you more, more, more on choice in games; it's a little bit of an elaboration on my last post on the topic, with the add-in of some specific Aberrant Gamer examples that might be on the right track. I also saw the issue as yet another area sex games have investigated a bit more than "regular" games, so there is delicious hentai and a little bit of a retrospective on some older columns. I really can't believe I've written sixteen AGs, but here we are.