The tender dreams of hilariously ironic rock superstardom that you lovingly cultivated in your living room while you became better than anyone else you know at Guitar Hero can actually be a reality. That is, if you're made of awesome at rhythm games. I happened to come by this casting notice from VH1:
Attention, masters of guitar-playing video games! Can you push buttons rhythmically while rocking out? Can you shake your ass while keeping the beat? Are you totally stoked to get your hands on Rock Band before anyone else does?
VH1 is casting a four-person Rock Band rock band who just happens to be the GREATEST ROCK BAND OF ALL TIME. They may play Rock Band instruments, but they’re the biggest band in the entire world. They’re “Rock Band Band” and they’re bigger than Led Zeppelin, more popular than the Stones, and harder rocking than Sabbath. We need a guitarist, a bass player, a drummer and a singer who can wail. We’re making a five-act mockumentary. If you get the part, you’ll be on VH1, VH1 Classic, and all over the internets. It’s a sweet gig, and you’ll be paid.
We’re looking for people who are incredibly proficient at rock&roll-based video games. But we’re also looking for people with performance chops – improv experience or other comedic skills are a plus. Potential rock stars must be available for several days of shooting in New York City towards the end of September. Actors may also be required to perform two live “gigs” in November.
Ideally, we are looking for actors/gamers/improv artists to fill the following roles:
- A) Guitarist: 15-17 guy (or looks it), nerdy, incendiary guitar player. Needs to excel at in-game guitar playing
- B) Bassist: 25-35 chick, mousy with a sexy side, Needs to excel at in-game bass playing (similar to guitar playing), comfortable with being sensual
- C) Drummer: 35-45 dude, overweight and schlubby, jovial. Drum experience a plus; actual drummers will be able to learn how to play “Rock Band” drums.
- D) Singer: 30-40 – absolutely gorgeous guy. Needs to be able to ACTUALLY SING WELL (and sing a variety of rock songs and styles)
- E) Miscellaneous: Anyone who has amazing music-based videogame skills AND performance/improv or singing chops.
We are open to ANYONE who has music-based videogame skills AND performance (or singing) chops. Please send a photo of yourself (snapshots okay) and a link to any supporting video evidence of your awesomeness (youtube, myspace, etc) and your contact information, along with a brief paragraph explaining why you’d like to try out for “Rock Band Band” to asap (by Sunday, September 9th at the very latest).
Please specify which role you’re like to be considered for, or if you don’t fit into a pre-determined category (that’s okay!)