A month ago, a blog called BigHeadDC scooped that CNBC was looking around for a replacement for p.r. flack Kevin Goldman. Now this is typical corporate behavior: don't blame the message, blame the messenger--or, in this case, the message-manager.
That is, the problem at CNBC isn't that Goldman did, or did not, do his job properly. The real problem is that CNBC has only a couple of daytime stars--including, of course, the tarnished Maria Bartiromo--and nothing worth watching with its primetime sked. And let's not forget those terrible infomercials all weekend, which make the whole network seem like a joke sometimes.
None of those Cable Game-sins were Goldman's fault. He's the p.r. guy, not the programmer.
But now, through no obvious fault of his own (unless "McEnroe," or "Donny Deutsch" or "Tina Brown" were his idea, in which case, I take all this back!), Goldman has been scapegoated and pushed aside, replaced by Brian Steel--I wish you well, Brian, but watchyer back!
Meanwhile, BigheadDC rightfully takes credit. But here's something amusing: TVNewser, which has often been accused of mulcting other folks' scoop, prominently gives credit to BhDC, and then adds lots of good fresh detail.
That's the way The Cable Gamer likes it: Everyone working and playing well together--there's plenty of good juice to go around.