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David Brock Gets Caught! (Although Secretly, He Probably Loves Being Naughty and Nasty)

Written By mista sense on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 | 12:45 PM

Media Matters, of course, is the notoriously left-wing hit group, founded by that flamboyantly self-hating conservative apostate, David Brock. Brock has that rare distinction of being accused of being dishonest by both liberals and conservatives alike. But don't take my word for it: Here's what you get if you type "David Brock liar" on Google: 168,000 hits.

Johnny Dollar nails Brock's Media Matters here. on the fabricated pseudo-issue of Bill O'Reilly's alleged racism. That's to be expected, because J$ is such a sharp news hawk--as distinct from a blunt-instrument news hound!

But amazingly, MM was so outrageous in its distortion and misrepresentation of O'Reilly's words that even the liberal Matt Lauer, of NBC's "Today Show," called 'em on it, as we see here, and here.

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