Yeah, just reminding you, my birthday is October 22nd.
Freakin' Sw33t Modz
Written By mista sense on Tuesday, September 25, 2007 | 2:42 PM
...Seriously, though, this Metroid NES is really friggin' cool, isn't it? This is painted.

How this level of detail was achieved, I really can't imagine. Dig the classic Samus love on the back:
It's for sale on eBay for $199, where you can also see more pictures. The seller has an entire section of custom-painted NES in his store -- definitely worth checking out for MegaMan, Double Dragon and Bubble Bobble, to name just a few.
Yeah, just reminding you, my birthday is October 22nd.
Yeah, just reminding you, my birthday is October 22nd.