That's the headline from the always hot FTVLive:
We told you a couple of days ago about how staffers at CNBC are getting sick and tired of how Money Honey Maria Bartiromo and Erin Burnett are getting all the attention and time in the spotlight.
One CNBC insider tells FTVLive that this is nothing new and it has been going on for months.
The insider tells FTVLive "It's not so much that Maria was treated like more of a star than her numbers commanded (her show consistently comes in4th or 5thduring business day of all CNBC's market shows), it's that they completely ignored bona fide stars like Liz Claman, Bianna Golodryga, Eric Bolling and Ron Insana. And looky here, allfour have gone on to bigger and better things. This all comes from the top and mark my words, you watch as head honcho Mark Hoffman continues to operate with a tin earwhile savvier underling Jonathan Wald lets him step in his own doggy doo. Wald tried hard to keep Claman happy but the tone comes from the top and the whole newsroom knew she was meant for better things. Trust me, NBC brass at 30 Rock NOT happy about these talent losses, especially with Fox on the way."
And the punch line:
Stay tuned it appears that CNBC talent are not happy and many could be opting out and heading to Fox.