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Mark Levin Accuses Media Matters of Criminal Matters! Bring On The Lawsuit, Please!! So We Can All Get To Look Inside David Brock's Toy Chest!!!

Written By mista sense on Sunday, September 30, 2007 | 9:12 AM

Mark Levin is more of a radio guy than a Cable Gamer, but he should be doing more of both media. Why? Because he is both entertaining and enlightening. And oh yes, as a third "ing," he is thought-provoking. And maybe, fourth, lawsuit-enticing? And maybe, fifth, David Brock-ensnaring?

Here's an example of Mark being all three: As downloaded and preserved by the always-valuable Olbermann Watch, Levin speculates that Media Matters could, in fact, be a criminal organization.

That's a strong charge. Just to make sure that everyone heard him loud and clear, Levin repeated the accusation several times on his Friday show. Levin is clearly asking for legal trouble, because clearly he figures he can stare down that legal trouble.

Criminal? Really? How so? Criminal in the sense, Levin argues, that Media Matters might well be playing fast and loose with the tax laws. That is, according to Levin--and he's a lawyer, so he has an informed opinion, unlike this humble Cable Gamer--MM's tax exemption requires that it be non-partisan. Tax-exempt outfits can't get involved in elections,and they have to sign and swear that they are abiding by the law when they send in their papers to the IRS. And it's a no-no, of course, to fib to Uncle Sam.

And, Levin asserts, if there were a process of discovery, such that every e-mail and phone call to and from MM were revealed, it would be clear enough that MM is in league with partisan Democrats and thus had violated its tax-exempt status. And that's a crime, such as perjury, Levin says--certainly it's a crime if it's done knowingly.

Now The Cable Gamer is in no position to judge the legal merits of these comments. I don't know whether or not MM is in violation of the law as it is written, given all the loopholes and whatnot. But I sure know--we all sure know-that MM leans way to the left.

As Levin sez, MM never attacks a liberal or a Democrat--it's always conservatives and Republicans. So don't sue me, MM, because I am merely passing along some news about Levin said, without warrantying that what he said was true. (Although I have great respect for Levin's legal judgment, gained over the decade since he burst on the scene during the Clinton Scandal Years. Which could mean, of course, that we'll be seeing a lot of him in the future.)

In this excerpt, Levin also had some great stuff to say about some Cable Game figures, such as MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, whom he called "a weasel," and of course, Levin ripped into Keith Olbermann , whom he called a conscious cog in the liberal conspiracy, whereas Scarborough is more of a useful idiot. And Levin also defended Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh against MM's ridiculous cut-and-paste attacks.

But I do hope that MM sues Levin for libel, or defamation, or whatever the exact term might be.

In fact, I am sure that Levin wants Media Matters to sue him! Levin is baiting MM, TCG reckons, precisely because he knows that if there is a lawsuit, then Levin & Co. can gain access, through discovery, of MM's files. And we can find out where the MM bodies are buried, who's lurking in MM chief Brock's closet, and so on. You never know what you'll discover when you go into a haunted house. George Soros, anyone? Connections to the Hillary Rodham Clinton prsidential campaign?

And that's why I predict that MM will simply ignore Levin, no matter what Levin says about MM. MM wouldn't dare sue Mark, and open up that can of worms.

And finally, thanks, as always, Johnny Dollar!

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