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O'Reilly Goes On The Offensive Against Media Matters

Written By mista sense on Thursday, September 27, 2007 | 8:50 AM

The Big O is kicking some major butt on his counter-offensive against those weasels--yes, it's a weasel-rich environment out there!--at Media Matters. He is going after them, speaking the truth, on his show, and it's clicking with the public, which is tired of leftwingers trying to intimidate people--the Silent Majority, the folks who pay the taxes and maybe watch Fox--into bowing down to George Soros -type political correctness.

And he has the public with him, as measured by a new AOL poll. According to data summarized here, 130,671 people (at the time of this posting) had voted on whether or not Bill O'Reilly had said anything offensive on his "Radio Factor" show on September 19. And here are the results, by percentage: Inoffensive: 60, Offensive: 32, No Opinion: 8.

TCG has followed the whole debate, and found nothing offensive in what O'Reilly said--Indeed, he was actually making a point in favor of tolerance! (Not that those schmucks at Media Mattters care, since they have to meet their quota of Fox-bashing items every day, no matter what, and so MM is not giving up in its jihad against O'Reilly.

So of course, especially if it "whips" its own Koolaid-drinking followers, MM can find a third of the people who will vote "their" way. But only a third, or slightly less. Because the vast majority is with O'Reilly!

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